
Welcome to Brecknock Birds. This site has been set up to encourage interest in bird watching and ornithology in Brecknockshire.

We appeal to all observers to put the birds first – this is important with posting sightings in the breeding season and especially important with rare, scarce or Schedule 1 (Wildlife & Countryside Act) species. If in any doubt, then please contact Andrew King, Brecknock County Bird Recorder, first (email below). In view of this, any postings made that are deemed inappropriate will be removed by the moderators without warning or explanation. Please note that all photographs remain the property of the person posting them. Permission must be obtained from the relevant owner before they may be reproduced or copied. We hope these pages will build on our knowledge of birds rather than provide valuable information to those few people that may wish to target species for their own purposes. 

The district of Brecknockshire covers approximately 500 square miles, stretching from Rhayader to Merthyr Tydfil, Ystradgynlais to Hay on Wye. We hope very much you enjoy bird watching here as much as we do and look forward to hearing about your bird sightings. Happy birding!


Kingfisher - Mike Williams

Kingfisher - Mike Williams


Welcome to Brecknock Birds. This site has been set up to encourage interest in bird watching and ornithology in Brecknockshire.

We appeal to all observers to put the birds first – this is important with posting sightings in the breeding season and especially important with rare, scarce or Schedule 1 (Wildlife & Countryside Act) species. If in any doubt, then please contact Andrew King, Brecknock County Bird Recorder, first (email below). In view of this, any postings made that are deemed inappropriate will be removed by the moderators without warning or explanation. Please note that all photographs remain the property of the person posting them. Permission must be obtained from the relevant owner before they may be reproduced or copied. We hope these pages will build on our knowledge of birds rather than provide valuable information to those few people that may wish to target species for their own purposes. 

The district of Brecknockshire covers approximately 500 square miles, stretching from Rhayader to Merthyr Tydfil, Ystradgynlais to Hay on Wye. We hope very much you enjoy bird watching here as much as we do and look forward to hearing about your bird sightings. Happy birding!


Welcome to Brecknock Birds. This site has been set up to encourage interest in bird watching and ornithology in Brecknockshire.


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County List

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Brecknock Bird News by Andrew King, County Bird Recorder

To note - after 16 years in its old format, this website is being updated and put onto a new & more secure server. We hope there will be no 'downtime' during this process. The new website was uploaded with no disruption to service on 7th April. There will now be a few weeks of updating texts and de-bugging as well as transfer to a new server - please bear with us during this process.  We are very grateful to Steve Goddard of Hay-on-Wye who originally designed and set-up this blog some 16 years ago, and has now carried out this upgrade. Thankyou Steve, your efforts are much appreciated.  [Added 9/4/24].

....................... 2022 edition of BRECONSHIRE BIRDS NOW AVAILABLE (20.12.23). 100-page edition priced at £8 (+£2 p&p if required) covers all species found in the county in 2022, the Llangors Lake Ringing Report and a full Gazeteer of birding sites. Currently available from the Editor- Andrew King on 07967 559787, and through sales at Llangors Shop, 'Visit Brecon' (Lion Yard, Brecon), the new Sustainable Tourism store (No 6, The Bulwark, Brecon), CRIC (Crickhowell High St), BBNP Mountain Centre (Libanus) and Talgarth TIC. 

........................REQUEST THROUGH RSPB SOMERSET: PLEASE LOOK OUT for Colour-ringed Gt White Egrets. RSPB reported a successful breeding season in Somerset with 54 active nests, 118 chicks hatched of which 16 in 9 nests have been colour-ringed. Any subsequent reports will help them understand dispersal across the UK. Thankyou. 

......................... Gallery page - if you have photographs of birds taken in Breconshire and would like to place them on our Gallery page. To be set up with a password, etc please email Andrew King on the email address above.

FOR THE ATTENTION OF ALL CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS SITE. Users are reminded that sightings are placed on these pages on the understanding that they become publicly available. Sightings may be used by the Breconshire Records Committee for monthly summaries, annual reports and for adding records of sufficient interest to the County archive (subject to long-standing arrangements for rarity verification). Occasional downloads to Local Record Centres are made from the archive, with personal data extending only as far as the observer's name. Similarly, photos are placed on Gallery without extensive controls on further use on the internet, so contributors may wish to consider adoption of copyright inhibitors.

Latest Sightings

23/07/2024 at Lower Llangynidr

A hatching of flying ants brought a gathering of House Martins, Swallow and Swift to feed which in turn attracted a cracking Hobby which appeared from the Crickhowell direction at speed. Our first over the village this year.
M&w Evans added at 23/07/2024 20:47

22/07/2024 at Llangynidr Bridge

Whilst watching a Dipper near the bridge a Water Rail appeared from the Bwlch Bank and flew to the first island. Our first on this stretch of the river.
M&w Evans added at 22/07/2024 14:23

20/07/2024 at Llangorse Lake

At Llangasty point, 14 Common Sandpiper, 3 Oystercatcher, 3 juv. Black-headed Gull, pair Gadwall (drake in eclipse), 3 Teal. Numbers of Coot building up with quite a few juvenile birds. Otherwise quiet.
Chris Dyson added at 20/07/2024 14:03

18/07/2024 at Talybont Reservoir

Single Gt White Egret being harassed by a Heron. I noted it has a large red Darvic ring above the left knee, metal BTO ring on rt leg. Unfortunately too far away to read the unique number. Also 2 Little Egret, 10 Teal including the brood of 8 raised there, 3 L Grebe, 5...
Andrew King added at 19/07/2024 09:33

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